Roofing Repair

Roof Repair in Rochester, MN

Whether it be damaged shingles, fallen trees, gutter issues, or storm damage, there are many reasons your home might require a roof repair. Fortunately, the experienced team at Brauer Roofing Inc. is here to help you in the Rochester, MN, area. In addition to providing excellent service throughout the roof repair process, our team works closely with insurance companies to ensure that if the roof damage is covered, all the paperwork is done properly.

Here are just a few types of repairs that we provide after your roof has experienced damage:

  • Fallen Trees: During a severe wind or storm, branches often fall on top of rooftops. The resulting damage can be severe, requiring shingle replacement and crack repair. In order to understand exactly how to handle a fallen tree branch, contact our professional team to restore your roof to its pre-storm condition.
  • Broken Vents: Leaking vents are a common source of roof-related damage. Have these regularly checked and inspected, and make sure that, if your home is experiencing leaks as a result of a damaged vent, you call in the professionals immediately. Otherwise, the excess water could lead to further damage from mold. Contact our team to evaluate the damage and aid in your roof restoration.
  • Winter Damage: There are many issues that bring about the need for roof repair during the winter months, including heavy snow and ice dams. In addition to damaging shingles or structural aspects of your roof, these types of issues may also impact the effectiveness of your gutters. As a result, your home may experience several types of damage. Contact our team to evaluate the severity of the problem, offer advice about gutter repair, and either repair or replace.
  • Other Issues: If your home experiences another type of damage, such as a lightning strike or chimney-related issue, call our professional staff. We can work with your family to ensure that you receive all the necessary services to keep your home safe.

Call Brauer Roofing Inc. at (507) 252-1728 for roof repair in the Rochester, MN, area.


Our hope is that this information will help you make an educated decision when calling for estimates for a new roof. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you in person. Please feel free to call us at 507-252-1728 at our office between the hours of 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. We look forward to making you our next satisfied customer!


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